Wednesday, May 18, 2011

ICFF 2011

I just got back to the midwest from showing one of the chairs in the new Aplomb Series at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair in NYC.  What a show!  It was a huge success.  I met a ton of helpful people, saw lots of inspiring design and left with leads for manufacturing and press opportunities.

Now, a little about what I was displaying:

Aplomb Series no. 1 and 2

Aplomb Series no. 2
Q: What's the relevance of the name in relation to the design?
A: Aplomb is a word used to describe the stability of the movements in ballet.  This family of furniture uses molded plywood to achieve graceful sweeping curves in form while maintaining stability in its structure.  I want these chairs to be playful and whimsical while also functioning as utilitarian seating structures.

Q: What materials and processes are used to make the chairs?
Aplomb Series no. 1
A: Currently, all seven wooden components of the chair are made using molded plywood.  I use layers of Baltic birch ply-wood to make the back, seat, and footrest. The cores of the legs are also Baltic birch ply, but the outer layers are maple veneer which blend well with the birch and strengthen the bend.

Q: What else do you want to do with this series
A: First of all, I want to experiment and expand with other materials and colors.  Wood is familiar to me, so it is an easy starting point for prototyping.  But now that I have come to full scale forms that I feel are successful, I can better envision these forms in different materials and colors.  I think this series would be fun with colored laminate options or other wood species for the seat, back, and footrest surfaces.

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